1117 California Avenue
Allana Buick & Bers, Inc. (ABB) was retained to provide a study in 2003 for The Matteson Companies of Redwood City, California. ABB performed a due diligence inspection and evaluation of the office building complex located at 1117 California Avenue, Palo Alto, CA.

The work included roofing & building envelope reviews; structural components review; mechanical, HVAC and electrical systems review: and an architectural review including ADA compliance.
ABB also reviewed maintenance records as well as construction permits, and maintenance repairs made in the previous the last ten years. The various components were surveyed in an attempt to determine existing conditions and to develop a recommended repair or replacement program with associated cost estimates. The complex consists of two adjoining steel framed, brick and concrete clad completed in the 1990´s. The study and report were prepared in accordance with the requirements of ASTM E-2018.