VUE Newport Peninsula Village

Allana Buick & Bers, Inc. (ABB) provided investigation and design services for the amenity deck waterproofing and repairs at the VUE Newport located in Newport Beach, California for Third Palm Capital LLC (TPC).

Historic and recurring leaks were reported at the project site and ABB led an initial visual investigation to document the existing conditions, map the sources of water intrusion, and determine preliminary repair recommendations. ABB identified further investigation was required at garage areas, interior spaces, windows, and façade.
Following the investigation phase, ABB performed design, construction administration, and construction monitoring services to successfully complete the project. The scope of work included providing details and specifications, feasibility and performance testing, observation of the dewatering pump repairs, preconstruction meetings, performance and installations, monitoring and observations, project punch list, and a final walkthrough.


  • Waterproofing Consulting Services
  • Investigation Services