Technology Manufacturer Confidential Client

Allana Buick & Bers (ABB) was retained by a leading technology manufacturer to provide condition assessments for their large campus in Dallas, Texas.

ABB performed observation and testing after an EF-3 tornado caused severe damage to the South Campus buildings and installed roofing systems and coverings. Based on the observed storm damage, a complete replacement of the majority of roofing systems was recommended. ABB performed drone-based thermographic moisture surveys identifying latent moisture materials trapped within the existing designated roof areas.

ABB coordinated with the commercial property insurance company, their consultants, and general service contractor to identify the scope of the claim. A team was assembled to survey and agree on the degree of damage for each roofing system, document findings, confirm quantities, and photograph damage. We assimilated information and developed a report to show the overall assessment for repairs and replacement. The damage was noted in photographs and roof plan drawings. Repair quantities and preliminary cost estimates were presented. The second phase of review was conducted for those classified as a major replacement to refine budgetary cost estimates further.