Rosewood Miramar Beach

Allana Buick & Bers, Inc. (ABB) was retained by Gensler to provide building envelope waterproofing and roofing peer review services for the proposed Rosewood Miramar Beach project located in Montecito, California.

The proposed Rosewood Miramar Beach site is located on a 16-acre lot and will contain 170 guest units. The project will consist of a two-story main building, single-story guest cottages, two-story lanai buildings, a theater building, a 6,000 SF ballroom, a bungalow building, a 3,800 SF presidential suite, two restaurants, and a bar.

ABB’s scope of work for this project included peer review, design consultation, and construction phase services of the roofing, siding, glazing, balcony, and below-grade systems. ABB assisted in the selection of each building enclosure and waterproofing assembly in accordance with Gensler’s considerations. ABB also provided construction administration services.


  • Schematic Design
  • Peer Review
  • Design Consultation
  • Construction Documents
  • Construction Administration