Modesto Irrigation District
Allana Buick & Bers, Inc. (ABB), was retained by the Modesto Irrigation District (MID) to provide EIFS and roofing system evaluation and design for several MID buildings in Modesto.

The $7 million MID repair project included seven MID buildings, six on the main campus and a Terminal Reservoir Pump Station at an isolated location.
ABB was retained to provide water intrusion investigation and assessment of the EIFS and roof systems of each building and provide recommendations for repair or replacement to the MID.
Report findings indicated that water intrusion had resulted in mold on the interior drywall, cracks in the EIFS, water-damaged plywood and the roofing systems. ABB designed a solution that included removal and replacement of the failed EIFS, the addition of an elastomeric coating, roof replacement and upgrades at the parapet wall. We also added detailing to prevent the return of swallow nests. This was done while retaining the look and feel of the original design intent. Additional scope included overseeing the design solutions implemented by the contractors, upon request by the MID.
Concurrent with the repair work on the existing buildings, design was underway for a $55 million expansion project. MID requested that ABB review the building envelope design and provide detailing suggestions that would provide design continuity to ABB’s remedial design work. Based on our review and recommendations, MID named ABB the building envelope designer of record.