Liberty Mutual
Allana Buick & Bers, Inc. (ABB), was retained by Liberty Mutual to provide building enclosure consulting, below-grade waterproofing, design and peer review, construction administration services, and building enclosure performance testing for Liberty Mutual located in Plano, Texas.

Liberty Mutual’s 2-tower office campus is a $325 million, 1 million SF project in the Legacy West development of West Plano. The two-20 story towers sit on 9.3 acres. ABB was retained by Omniplan/KDC as the building enclosure and below-grade waterproofing consultant teammate for this project to provide technical expertise. Services included design, construction, peer review, construction administration, and building enclosure performance testing. During construction, ABB developed requirements to prevent water intrusion issues.
ABB investigated and provided necessary requirements to remedy any sources and reasons for potential water infiltration.