Ballard Blocks II

Allana Buick & Bers, Inc. (ABB) was retained by Regency Centers for building envelope peer review services for the new office/retail project in Seattle, Washington.

The Ballard Blocks project was broken into three parcels and three separate buildings. Parcel 1: Grocery building is three levels, Parcel 2: Marine Sales is two levels, and Parcel 3: Mixed-Use Building is five levels. Approximately, a total gross building area of 112,500 square feet (SF), including amenity roof decks on two of the three roofs, and a green roof.

ABB was asked to provide consultation services for the design development and construction document phases of the project. ABB provided construction administration services during the construction phase. ABB reviewed documents and provided recommendations on water penetration, thermal performance, condensation, and prevention of air leakage. In order to follow City of Seattle Energy Code standards, ABB also provided Electronic Leak Detection (ELD) and air barrier testing.


  • Design Support
  • Peer Review
  • Construction Documents
  • Construction
  • ELD Testing
  • Air Barrier Testing