City of Covina – Joslyn Senior Center

Allana Buick & Bers, Inc. (ABB) was retained to provide building envelope review and roofing systems evaluation for the Joslyn Senior Center in Covina, California.

The Joslyn Center is a single-story wood-frame building with slab-on-grade concrete foundation. Exterior cladding is primarily cement plaster with wood siding and trim. Roof systems include a low-slope and steep-sloped roof with clay tile roofing.

ABB was originally retained to evaluate and investigate the condition of the building envelope including exterior walls, windows, low sloped built-up roofing (BUR) and roof HVAC units, including repair recommendations. Based on our report, additional scope was added to include a mechanical system upgrade. A ductless VRF system would greatly reduce rooftop duct penetrations and congestion. Our energy audit included energy and water consumption models to determine the appropriate upgrades.

ABB prepared construction documents for the necessary repairs, which included window and flashing replacement, roof repair and replacement, elastomeric coating over exterior walls and replacement of the existing HVAC units with a highly energy efficient ductless variable refrigerant flow (VRF) HVAC system. The mechanical systems upgrades were funded by ARRA funds.